Ignite the stage, create unforgettable experiences

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The unique marketplace that connects creatives

Pursued By Bear is helping industry connections succeed in creating a new income stream and also discovering an effective way to reduce their carbon footprint and promote sustainability.

Embrace sustainability
Reduce your carbon footprint

By sharing costumes, props and sets we maximise the use of costumes and minimise waste, and together we can prioritise reuse and recycling.

Designing out the need for new costumes
Through our platform, you can easily access a wide range of costumes, sets and props already in circulation, reducing the need for new costume manufacturing.
Supporting local and sustainable practices
Our focus on sourcing reused or recycled costumes within the local community minimises transportation-related emissions and encourages a sustainable approach to theatre production.
Encouraging Responsible Procurement
By engaging with Pursued By Bear, you reinforce the demand for environmentally friendly costume practices, encouraging others to embrace sustainable sourcing.

Boost your revenue

Hiring props and costumes made easy

Stock that is idle could be generating an income for you. Maximise your revenue by hiring your collection to other creative professionals.

Smart catalogue

Upload your to stock for it to be instantly available and searchable in the marketplace.

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Secure transactions

The platform uses SSL certificates to ensure secure communications and transactions.

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Hire Assistance

Calendars, reminders and notifications assist is managing the hiring process.

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